"Faith never knows where it is being led, But it knows and loves the One who is leading." -Oswald Chambers
Tomorrow is the 2 week marker for me leaving on this incredible journey I have spent 2 years planning. My emotions are all over the place and my brain even more scattered as I feel torn in many directions at the moment. Most will be excited to know that my laundry list of things to do has been significantly scaled back, but many things still remain. My driver's license was with me all the time (despite 4 people searching on more than 2 different occasions, my car being vacuumed and detailed more than once) and I found it on my long drive back to Nashville a little too late to be helpful (if you didn't know it was missing....well, it caused me a lot of problems and grief while I was trying to figure out how to send off my passport to obtain my mozambican visa while still maintaining a form of identification for my usage of debit cards which all say "SEE ID" on them. thanks to the vendors that actually pay attention to that signature spot on the back.)
Prayer Requests/Updates:
- Fundraising has been completed! I have officially met my upfront and monthly goals as of last week. and all without begging :) I have truly trusted Him in this matter and have been assured since the start that everything would work out in His timing. He has proved faithful yet again. Of course, any donations and support you still feel led to send my way is much appreciated and accepted as I always believe the Lord is providing even when I don't know my own needs!
- I am waiting on my Mozambican visa/passport to arrive safely in my mailbox BEFORE may 26th. It should be sometime next week. I am attempting to not be anxious about this matter.
- my car has still not sold. i have a backup plan...but being just that..it's not as good as the first one. or at least it appears that way at the moment.
- there's still that list of things to do before I leave and the time is dwindling...
- My health in these last 2 wks as I'm preparing to leave
- good times of fellowship with friends and family as I'm saying goodbyes and meeting with the people who have supported me through all of this!
I'm going to end with a few quotes from a book I just finished reading...The Shack by William P. Young (thanks for the reccomendation Sarah):
"Jeez, Mack, if you think God is going to be up there, why all the supplies?"
"Remember this, humans are not defined by their limitations, but by the intentions that I have for them; not by what they seem to be, but by everything it means to be created in my image."
"Mack, pain has a way of clipping our wings and keeping us from being able to fly...and if left unresolved for very long, you can almost forget that you were ever created to fly in the first place."
"...to absolutely trust my life within him,...to believe in my love and my goodness without regard for appearance or consequence."
"You have to take the time to prepare the soil if you want it to embrace the seed...Just keep giving me the little bit you have, and together we'll watch it grow."
"Mack, if anything matters then everything matters. Because you are important, everything you do is important. Every time you forgive, the universe changes; every time you reach out and touch a heart or a life, the world changes; with every kindness and service, seen or unseen, my purposes are accomplished and nothing will ever be the same again."
"In the same way let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven." -Matthew 5:16