
Did I ever tell you?

That our children are NOT afraid of medical stuff.....
Well as long as it's one of their BH nurses who's attending them.  They aren't too fond of doctors and strangers.  But they LOVE getting meds and medical treatment from us!  It makes being a nurse, a breeze!  ;)

A few days before I left Zimpeto, Meghann I took some of our tots to play in her backyard and these are some of the candid shots (NONE were staged) we caught on camera.  Aparently, everyone was sick and needed some medical attention.  Anyone think they've been hanging out with and watching us too much??
Lorenco listening to Antonio's bariga (tummy) cause aparently it hurt.
Lorenco clipping his twin's (Francisco) fingernails.
Antonio listening to my heart.
Francisco listening to Meghann's lungs.
Admira checking Dionisio out.
Lorenco playing doctor with Admira.
Aparently, Lorenco needed a checkup too.  He put them on my ears and then put the scope on his chest.
They are too cute.
I am missing these tots this week.

1 comment:

Meghann said...

And we are missing you! Thanks for all your love and support this week in the midst of everything!