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Reports from missionaries have been that things are a lot quieter today and some of the mozambican staff was able to walk (hours) into the center today to help out because not all the buses were up and runnning. Food supplies for the children were able to be restocked today and a few emergency errands were run by some of the missionaries. It was quieter around the center, but there are still reports of a bit of rioting in the city. There is a call for more rioting on the 6th when 50,000 are supposed to take to the streets.....continue praying for the government and the city of maputo as well as provisions and safety for the center!

link to the latest article from today http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/rwb.nsf/db900sid/MCOI-88XCDC?OpenDocument&rc=1&cc=moz

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