
Did I ever tell you?

That our children are NOT afraid of medical stuff.....
Well as long as it's one of their BH nurses who's attending them.  They aren't too fond of doctors and strangers.  But they LOVE getting meds and medical treatment from us!  It makes being a nurse, a breeze!  ;)

A few days before I left Zimpeto, Meghann I took some of our tots to play in her backyard and these are some of the candid shots (NONE were staged) we caught on camera.  Aparently, everyone was sick and needed some medical attention.  Anyone think they've been hanging out with and watching us too much??
Lorenco listening to Antonio's bariga (tummy) cause aparently it hurt.
Lorenco clipping his twin's (Francisco) fingernails.
Antonio listening to my heart.
Francisco listening to Meghann's lungs.
Admira checking Dionisio out.
Lorenco playing doctor with Admira.
Aparently, Lorenco needed a checkup too.  He put them on my ears and then put the scope on his chest.
They are too cute.
I am missing these tots this week.


Walking life

You know what I absolutely miss the MOST about living in Mozambique and not living in the US?  It's one thing.  just one.......walking life. 

It's the person I am...I just love and thrive on walking life with people.  Now I know, that's what I'm doing in Moz too....it's just with people that I don't share the same language or culture with and relatively any amount of life history with.  And I'm not discounting the missionaries I lived with....but 30 people I've known for just a short time vs tons of friends and family I've shared a lifetime with doesn't really compete.  No, what I miss the most is being physically in the States to walk alongside all my friends/family and just live life together.  You know, hear about, pray through, and hold hands for all the good, bad, and even the ugly.  For new boyfriends and bad breakups.  For the engagements, the stress and joy of wedding planning, the weddings and all the celebrations that go along with that.  For first houses and first pregnancies....for miscarriages and first babies...and even the second and thirds!  For rough spots with their husbands, for divorces.  For lost jobs and the times when they don't know if they can make it financially.  For the death of loved ones.  For big moves-cities, states, jobs.  For highschool and college graduations.  For dirty home repairs and remodels.  For the every day tiny things and for the big earth shaking kinda things.  I miss THAT.....email and skype don't even touch it.  Everyone always asks me what I miss the most.....and that's it......that's what I miss.  Walking life.

And I'm excited and blessed to be back in the States for a bit more of an extended period with lots of weddings and new babies coming up in the next few months.  I'm excited to get the chance to stand alongside all the people I love and walk like again with them!  I'm pumped!

PS...I've already been blessed to attend a memorial service for my great grandfather who died 3 weeks ago, a wedding shower for one of my dear friends and held a 3 day old baby (the third, but first baby boy of my dear cousin) and given lots of baby tips.  Up soon....a highschool graduation party for one of my cousins, wedding dress shopping with my cousin's fiance, a bachelorette party, visiting with a highschool friend and her new baby born last week, a baby shower (well make that about 3), 3 weddings, and the birth of several of my friend's first babies.  I love walking life with friends.  I am truly overwhelmed and blessed by this opportunity over the next months!