
10/1/07 Monday

Saturday I spent the afternoon and evening with the girls. They are given daily chores and responsibilities so they can be self-sufficient and have skills for when it comes time to leave the center. The older girls are expected to help take care of the younger ones, there is raking, and sweeping, and cleaning to do. Once a week the girls cook their own meal for the whole girl's compound. From start to finish...grinding the miaze, cutting the veggies, shredding the coconut, cooking, serving, washing the dishes, ect. Apparently I walked in at the right moment because I was immediately grabbed, shoved towards a seat, greens placed in my hand. I was told to sit...do this...and left to figure out what the heck I was supposed to be doing....all the girls, including the little ones were going at it, peeling the greens....and LAUGHING at me in Portuguese. So now I can say I've officially helped cook a traditional Mozambican meal and even eaten it with my fingers just like them!
Yesterday was our last worship service before going home. Every Sunday they have a time of blessing for all the short-termers or any missionaries that it is their last Sunday. You sit on the edge of the stage and then all the little kids run up, wrap a capalana around you, lay tiny hands on you and pray for you. I cannot really explain those emotions. First it is amazing enough to just hear all these little kids feverently praying over you . Then all the hands pressing on you....it was just too precious! An amazing blessing, even if I couldn't understand all they were saying. I again made my way to the baby house section and worshiped with them. Something that has been a theme for the week is how we each are CHILDREN of God. We should have faith like them; dance, sing and worship before Him as though we are. He is our Father and begs for us to come crawl into and rest in His love! How often do I take this message to heart? I am being taught this daily by the people of Mozambique by their utter dependence on Him for everything from their provisions to their joy. I was reminded by a small 3 yr old who grabbed both my hands during worship and started teaching me a dance she was making up at the exact same time. She was too cute. I don't think I've had that much fun in a really long time.

Today I spent the day doing the last ofs....last staff worship service...last time with the beautiful girls in the girls dorm...last moments in the baby house....last bowl of rice with some yummy topping....last youth worship service in the city. It was really hard as I am not ready to leave here in the morning. I can hardly wait to come back. This evening at the youth service I watched a room full of young men and wome come to the front so hungry for you....dedicating their lives, arms stretched out to you, tears streaming down their face. You can see His life in their eyes, the earnestness, the passion. In each of these moments I feel as though I'm watching Isaiah 58 being fulfilled right before my eyes. You are doing something so amazing with these people and through this ministry!

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