
Where has the time gone.....

Well, you've probably all been wondering what I've been doing lately, as I've been a little slow in the blog posting department.......well, maybe you aren't wondering...but you're about to find out anyway. 
The other western nurse that helps me in the BH giving meds and who runs the HIV program has been gone for the last 10 days and will come back on Rriday for a grand total of 14 long days without her!  Man am I spent!  Tired doesn't begin to describe it really.  I've been working a minimum of 10 hours every day since she left with nonstop craziness during that time.  She's been praying that it would be a peaceful 2 wks for me while i'm gone since i'm now doing her and my stuff....well, let me list all the things that have happened or gone wrong:
  • Lucia (hiv + malnourished 9 month old) had a fever for 5, count them 5 days just because.  The last 48 hours of it got as high as 104 degrees with me alternating ibuproven and tylenol every 3 hours at her maximum dose...but it consistently stayed above 101 the entire time.  All the time, she continued to play and eat well.  Then they changed her HIV meds and she started throwing up all the time...thanks GATV.  then she adjusted and went right back to happy Lucia.  Praise God.
  • Dionisio started cutting his 1 yr molars.  if you knew him, this would be eventful. He is one crabby cookie when he's cutting teeth.....mean, angry, pouty, feverish, screaming baby! and he hates taking the meds that would relieve his pain...i'm not sure which battle is the harder to fight.  hmmmm
  • Lots of kids broke out in these wierd sores on their face......they were put on anitibiotics and then passed it on to other kids......
  • julio in particular got these said feridas all over his face....so i gave him the medicine.....3 days later......screaming, itching, and more screaming ensued.  he started breaking out in hives all over his hands and up his arms.  So i stopped the meds and gave him lots of good ole benadryl (thanks to whatever visited donated it)....the next day...BAM!  he started getting these giant blisters on his legs that were painful......
  • did i mention that the julio ordeal was right in the middle of me admitting 6 (no typo here) tots to the BH in less than 24 hrs (5 at one time).  Yup, we have expanded our family.  I moved 3 out and 5 into the BH in one day.....that's way too much info to handle in my little brain.  One had a terrible cough...antibiotics for that one.....another one had blood all in her ears.....antibiotics for that one and i'll look again this week for more answers.  another one had an undiagnosed large heart murmur.  great....we now are awaiting an appt with the heart institute in town.......
  • lots of kids came and went on visitations which is just fun medically to check them back in and make sure they didn't bring anything back with them or were "safe" while they were at home.....
  • oh and Antonio had surgery today (finally) to have his adenoids removed...he's sleeping in my room as we speak......and i'm not thoroughly convinced that they actually performed the surgery.......time shall tell i suppose.  if they did he is the happiest post-op 20 month old i've ever met.....
I know there was more.....but I'm too tired to think right now.  So I'm going away this wkend...Friday through Monday to a beach here in Mozambique.  I cannot wait, because I am certainly, almost useless at the present.  and very emotional i might add.  I'm trying to get everything finalzied for coming home in just a few weeks...mainly, my ticket home....but NOTHING is working out right.  I am beyond frustrated.  and nothing is worse than being super hot (115 without airconditioning), very very tired, overworked, and ready to come home as you were supposed to and to have to deal with the possibility that it might not work out at all like you planned, if and when it does.  So, I still don't have any dates for any of you wondering why such the delay on no answers.  Believe me, I'm far more frustrated than you.  I'll let everyone know the minute I do.  I promise.  right after I do lots of thankyou prayers and a happy dance...maybe even sing a little ditty too.  sorry you'll miss out on all that!  Prayers for my sanity, rest, peace, and all the details to be worked out in HIS will and timing are very welcome at the present!  I'm hoping to be home by the first week in Feb........ok, offf to bed with me......

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